Kanooka specialist centre
Facilities available
Kanooka Specialist Centre is a specialist medical centre located just behind Monash Medical Centre.
Disabled parking is available onsite and is completely wheelchair accessible.
Your first appointment
If you’re a new patient with us, please ensure you provide a valid referral prior to your appointment.
Referrals can be provided in advance via fax to (03) 9548 8098 or emailed to reception@kanookaspecialists.com.au.
Ensure you bring the following information with you:
Medicare, DVA or pension card if applicable
Any relevant scans, imaging or specialists letters
Bookings and rescheduling
Bookings can be requested online here or via a call to reception on (03) 9888 1918.
For any cancellations, as a matter of courtesy, please call us as soon as possible.
Billing and fees
We are a private clinic and each practitioner has their own set of fees.
If you have a query about your fee before your appointment, please call our office for more information. All fees quoted may change at the discretion of the practitioner on the day depending on the outcome of your appointment.
Medicare rebates can be instantly processed at our facility so long as your bank account is registered with Medicare and your Medicare card is still valid.
All bills must be paid on the day unless otherwise advised by the practitioner. We accept Eftpos and credit card payments as well as cash.